Friday, March 29, 2013

Best Places to Market Your Book

If you have ever dreamed of writing that best seller so that you can sit back and let the money roll in, think again - there are over 170,000 new book titles published each year and the number is growing. So how can you make sure your book is always on the shelf? That depends on what you do to market your book and yourself.

Some authors I have met do not like author tours as they think they are a waste of time. I somewhat agree but if you take a look at these tours from another angle, they may be just what you want. Before you begin a tour, make a decision on how much time and money you want to spend on your tour. Yes, tour will cost you money, especially if they are away from where you live. Plan your tour to include more than just bookstores. If you have written a book about pets, then include pet stores in the area as well. Have the stores buy several books before your appearance and let them know that you will sign all of the copies for other customers that could not attend the book signing. Nice way to sell a case of books rather than just one or two.

If you are a speaker, there is always the opportunity to sell books at the back of the room. If you are not a speaker, then find one that would love to sell your book at the back of their room. Split the profits and you will both be happy.

Take your books with you where ever you go, that means, car, train, plane, boat. Always have a book. I had the privilege of selling 6 cases of books to a corporation because I sat beside someone in a plane that was looking for a book on promoting their company through networking.

Be relentless and shameless when it comes to marketing your book. People will buy if you are excited about the book.

Mutual Funds For Everyone

The stock market is a wild and crazy world to be in, and is definitely not for a place for amateurs to be playing about. In this jungle, investing in the wrong places can get you beaten, eaten, and spat out like gum. But what if you can get a professional to place you in a favorable position? Like take care of all your investing concerns, as to where you should be putting your money, the returns you'll be expecting to receive, and when you should do it? Well for the jungle, you'd need somebody like Tarzan to keep you safe, but when it comes to this money market, you'd need mutual funds - why is this so, you ask? Well because this type of investment is managed by professionals, guys that know everything about the entire market, guys known as fund managers.

They understand that you know nothing about how things work (no offense), so they take the liberty of getting things done on your behalf. What that means for you is that there's no need for you to be watching over your investment, they'll be doing it for you. They'll also be pooling your money into what's hot, not in "what's not", which is a major advantage considering your ignorance, friend. Getting that kind of management service elsewhere would equate to you paying large sums of cash, something you most definitely won't want. Mutual funds have another advantage, which is its liquidity - here you'll be able to convert your financial investments into cash instantly.

To be more specific, you can sell your shares anytime of the day the stock market is open. Try comparing that to the other "hard-to-liquidate" investments, which can takes weeks to move. In case of emergency purposes and other instances where you'll need cash quick, they suck! Like pooling your dough into real estate, which is really hard to move, and can take months. Stocks with low trading volume also take time to liquidate. This is one of the many advantages you can reap from investing in mutual funds. One worth mentioning is the type of investments your "financial advisers" would be putting your money into - why? Because there are plenty! The diversification of mutual funds is vast, so to speak.

They don't stick with one type, but to many, that they may get the highest expected returns from each one. They'll put your money into hundreds of stocks, bonds, and many other money markets out there. Try doing that in your own portfolio, and I can guarantee the following results: for that matter will result to ridiculously high trading fees. Second thing that can happen is you winding up in a mental facility, which is very much possible considering the fact that you'll have to be monitoring all those stock positions. Last advantage would be the very low fees of mutual funds, since the experts running the show take advantage of the economies of scale.

This is why this is becoming very popular nowadays. Thousands of people can make a living off this business; maybe it's time for you join them.

Iguana Nest Facts - How To Prepare A Nest For Your Pets

Several controversies have arisen due to the propagation of iguanas in captivity. The demand for iguanas is said to be thereby reduced by this activity. However, they are nevertheless being imported from Central American and South America which house several iguana farms. Iguana nests should be provided to the iguanas by their owners. This factor facilitates the breeding of the iguanas. However, many pet owners have discovered the smart side of this issue. The iguana nests are a money making venture for the pet owners. Baby iguanas are sold while the adults keep reproducing. These iguanas are today sold at very low prices thereby creating the notion that iguanas as pets are disposable.

Having Iguana nests and their subsequent breeding comes with their respective advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, breeding iguanas is an enjoyable experience. The mother iguana searches for a suitable place onto which it will lay its eggs. This requires ingenuity from it since such locations are not as readily available and adequate as those it would find in the wild. It then waits for them to hatch. The mother iguana will settle its young ones within the artificial or natural nests. A larger amount of space is required to keep them as the iguana keeps multiplying. This constitutes a disadvantage to breeding by pet owners. Controlling and maneuvering them is difficult if there are a large number. Only the ones that receive adequate nutrition and care are healthy and survive. The others are malnourished and they become unhealthy and prone to disease.

Preparation of a Nest for the Iguana

To ensure the seamless process of breeding, iguanas of different sex should be placed together in a nest. This should be particularly ensured during the season for breeding. Grouping them according to size and ratio should be carried out. Each male should have one or more females in a nest. Female iguanas are typically larger than male ones so as to prevent the death of the male while mating.

Different materials can be used for constructing the iguana nests. For instance, potting soil can be used. It allows for the burying of the mothers eggs. Alternatively, a mix of potting soil and play sand, or even pure play sand makes it much simpler to dig and bury eggs. This reduces the mothers work and facilitates the construction of a good hole. The nest must also be safe for the iguanas to dwell in. They should not be prone to suffer from cuts, scratches, abrasions or other wounds.

The nest should be capable of holding up to two hundred pounds of soil. This soil will be placed in the nest. A tray planter can be placed in the nest however with one side cut off. This will create a tunnel in which the iguana can play in. A plastic ash tray or a wooden box offers a cheaper alternative. The reptiles should however not be prone to injury due to this structures and their safety is very important.

The laying of the eggs should be monitored. Occasionally, some eggs are not laid by the mother. This usually results in problems for the female iguana. The female iguanas should not be interrupted when protecting their nests. This is merely the mother's instinct.

Additionally, iguana nests should be kept clean to avoid the breeding of harmful organisms. These can infect the iguana with disease and cause them to fall ill. Death may be an eventual result of this.

God, Grant Me Patience - And, I Want It Now!!

Are you facing a difficult time in your life? Do you feel like a fish out of water? If today was a fish, would you want to throw it back in the river? If this is your situation, make no negative destructive decisions. Be Patient. Know that time can perform many miracles.

Quicker Than A New York Minute!

Yeah, I wish. But, unfortunately every time I have moved that fast it went from riches to rags. Truly, patience is one of the major ingredients that lead to consistent success. You must develop patience if you are ever going to be successful in dealing with life's problems.

Patience is not a popular subject for our, "I want it now" microwave society. Patience conjures up all kinds of thoughts like, "I might not get it"; "It might take too long"; "I might forget it", even worse. Ah, but patience is a major factor in making our dreams come true.

As I have given patience a lot of thought in my own life, here is what I have discovered. See if this pattern seems familiar to you.

Sometimes I get what I want right away. Sometimes I get what I want days, weeks, months, and sometime years later. Sometimes I don't get what I want but what I really needed, much later. Sometimes I don't get what I wanted, or what I needed, but got what was best for me, much later.

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day!

Well, every time I get what I want right away, I'm just a little taken back by it. I always seem to "expect" to wait for some period of time. It just seems to be the way the universe deals with us. When something comes right away, we forget that triumph very fast and are on to the next deal.

The absolute optimum way to live would to be able to control the timing of every thing that happens to us. But, we can't. On the other side of the coin, if every thing were to just fall on us like ripe apples off a tree, we would be running all over town trying to avoid being knocked out by all the falling apples.

You've heard it said before, "God's delays are not God's denials". I believe that's true. Patience has character building power within it. Patience takes the impossibilities of life and turns them into realities. Patience can also make you feel like taking a long walk off a short pier sometimes.

Waiting Always Lasts Too Long!

That's the part of patience I want to help give you a different perspective on. Patience was designed to help us grow; to help us develop compassion and empathy, and make us strong. Not, to tear us down, to destroy our dreams, or make us wonder if our goals and objectives will ever be realized.

If you look at patience like this it might help: It was not meant to make life hard on you. Of course life is hard, that's why they pay you the big bucks. :>) Patience is part of our lives because God's timing is always better than ours. Now think about it. If you had your way, how many times would you choose to wait for something you really wanted or needed?

Your timing would always be, "I want it now"! And, if it was something that's not desirable, your timing would be to wait, and wait, and wait. So, the universe comes on the scene and says, "Wait, you're moving too fast". And we say, "No I'm not, you are moving too slowly".

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part!

And since the universe always has the final word, we find ourselves, waiting! And, because timing is so crucial to every thing in the universe, we tend to have a hard time understanding what good it is doing us, "waiting".

Here is why waiting bothers us; because we don't know exactly what's on the other end. It might turn out to be something better than sliced bread, or, I might find myself between the devil and the deep blue sea.

The first thing we do is, think of all kind of possibilities that would help us, improve our lifestyle, bring us happiness, reduce aggravation, if only this project would give in to my commands.

As soon as all those wonderful possibilities run their course through our thinking, then all the undesirable outcomes take their turn and start playing the "what if" game with us.

"What if you don't get that pay raise"? "What if you don't get that promotion"? "Be careful, or you'll poke your eye out"; and, all kinds of junky thoughts.

Now, being careful, in your ways, is fine and good. But, understand something; those thoughts are not coming to you to help you become a safe responsible person. Yes, you should. But, those thoughts have a different agenda. And, that is to inject fear into you to cheat you out of your dream.

I promise you this; the very moment you recognize the real intent of those thoughts, you will not shirk your responsibilities and become a reckless person, you will feel the inner power you've been searching for to accomplish that goal, and you will do so in a very responsible manner.

As Luck Would Have It!

I personally believe that if patience was not part of the God's way of helping us grow, we would just let the chips fall where they may.

Since we would not have to wait or resist, why bother caring what happens? It's the struggle, the fight that makes this thing personal to us. Something is trying to beat us, and we take that personally. When unemployment is trying to take your possessions, your dignity, and your self-esteem, you will take it personally!

Life Never Leaves Us With No Way Out!

Patience was not intended to be a destructive force. The lack of patience has caused much damage. Without patience there is a higher and better good that would not be possible in your life. And, that is the power of faith and hope.

Without patience you would have no hope. Everything you wanted would just fall on you. Without patience you would have no faith. All your dreams would materialize instantly. Now, don't get excited, that would really not be good for any of us. Not in this world anyway.

Richard Vegas ©

Make Moving Houses Less Stressful

The best advice I can give for any move - whether to a new home, a new room, or a new office - is to start early. Have your moving date firmly in your mind and start sorting, packing, and labeling early. Starting the process early will allow you to handle any unprecedented problems that arise and eliminate them before moving day approaches.

Get your moving supplies early too; the earlier you have your moving supplies means you can start packing earlier. And the earlier you start packing, the more time you have to get additional supplies if you run out. It's all a cycle that feeds into itself; the earlier you start, the more prepared you'll be and the less stressed you'll feel during both the packing and moving processes.

Get rid of whatever you can before you move. Be ruthless about it too. Give away, sell, or throw out any items that you don't need to take with you. It will make the move much quicker, smoother, and far less stressful. Plus, it will allow you to shed older items that you've been hoarding for far too long. Get rid of them and take the opportunity to start fresh!

As uninviting as they may be, try to tackle the messier areas and rooms first. There is always that area in every house; the area that has the most junk and layers of scary looking mess that you've never really bothered with. Well now that you're moving, you have the perfect opportunity. Jump into that scary looking room and - though the very thought may make you shudder - get down and dirty and get rid of those dust collectors.

Try to source proper packing boxes and tape rather than flimsy materials. Normal cardboard boxes and tape will be fine for lighter and less delicate boxes of items but it is always recommended to buy proper materials for heavy and fragile items. Yes, they may cost you more than typical cardboard boxes, but specialised packing boxes will keep your precious belongings safer during the move and you'll be thankful you invested in them if there are any bumps or knocks during the move.

And label everything. Make it easier for yourself and others by labeling boxes. This will give clear instructions about their contents. Label whether they are fragile or heavy, and label what rooms they belong too. Just grab a permanent marker and write away!

Moving houses is a stressful feat in itself. If you need more advice, tips, or moving services, check out Redberry Removals.

Debrett's Reviews 2007

Guiding the readers through a comprehensive range of topics, the Debrett's Reviews 2007 provides over 300 photographs of Britain and the British during the twelve months of 2007. Beautifully designed in Debrett's classic style and panache, this independent review is brimming with images, features, profiles and exclusive articles. The stories have been grouped under different categories like The Year of ..., Showbiz & Media, Music, Sports and Fashion.

The Review presents an action-packed year captured in words and pictures. Each page of the Review has its own revelations and surprises. Commentators like Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, Gabby Logan, Katie Hopkins and Jonathon Porritt share their memories of 2007 with the readers. The book features a comprehensive range of subjects that affected the British during 2007. Content of the book includes topics related to the Trends Of The year, Smoke-Free Britain, Red Carpet Dresses, Soap Stars and Scandals.

The book presents a colorful and witty summary of stories, events and people that captured the imagination of the British during 2007. The book contains information about the individuals who dominated headlines in the UK during 2007. The book has a vibrant and informative collection of snapshots and stories that were widely discussed in the UK during the year. The book contains informative discussions on topics like climate change, Potter mania, election fever, Phone-in-Scandals and Wag Weddings.

The Debrett's Review 2007 captures the year in over 200 pages and offers the readers a reflective and comprehensive account of the year's highs and lows. The book is available at leading retailers of the UK like Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waterstone's. You may also purchase the book online by visiting Debrett's Website at Debrett Ltd.'s chairman Conrad Free said that the book would appeal to people of all ages and is reasonably priced.

How To Get Lot's Of Followers On Twitter

I have 3 accounts with Twitter (one for each of my discrete businesses) and each account has over 10,000 followers so that must make me a success. Well does it?

I started to Tweet about 18 months ago and now it has become a regular part of my daily routing but increasingly it has taken up more and more time because of the number of followers that I have. When I started I asked everyone and anyone that I know who was on Twitter to follow me and dutifully they did - instantly I had 9 followers! As I started to Tweet more regularly I started to get a few more and every time I got a new follower there was a small celebration. My account was building followers and I was hopeful that this was going to accelerate the prospects for my business.

After every small celebration though I started to look around at other people's accounts and see that they had thousands of visitors and I wondered how long it had taken to get them. Clearly having a celebrity status was a good start but this didn't seem to be the right way for me to go so I did a bit more research.

I found that there are a number of Twitter approved soft-wares available that help you grow your list of followers by automating your following of others. Twitter has a rule that you can only follow a given multiple of those that are following you so you can't just go out there, follow everybody and then sit and wait for everybody to follow you back.

Of course you could spend time every day following people and monitoring who follows you back, deleting those that don't follow you etc. but that's an awful lot of time to spend and these tools can do it all for you.

I've seen a lot of software pitched - "get traffic to your website fast" - you know the stuff, none of it works because the traffic isn't targeted, so I was a little wary about trying one of these tools. Some are "pay by the month", others are a one-off fee so I chose to go with a pay by the month to see what happened.

On the face of it, I was able to set up my account very quickly, I was able to select a number of other people accounts (folks within my niche) who had a lot of followers and target their followers as people who I wanted to engage with. I could also set it up so that if they didn't follow me back within 4 days then the software would automatically un-follow them so I felt pretty good that I had a neat way for getting more followers and those followers that wanted to engage in my niche.

For sure my followers steadily grew, maybe 10 in the first week and growing to the current where I now average about 100 new followers a week. Great isn't it?

How wrong I was. All I got was general followers with a "follow me and I'll follow you back" attitude. Yes I built lots of new followers but only a few of them were in my niche, it would appear that all my competitors had use the same software (or similar) so all their followers were non targeted too!

Maybe having a large number of followers gives you Twitter credibility but if it does, then I'm still waiting to see it. I spent hours sifting through all my followers to find those that I really did want to engage with and put them in a list - I can't follow my main account because I get about 2 or 3 new tweets every second.

Now after 3 months I've canceled my subscription to this software provider so I don't waste any more money but still the followers keep coming. Getting targeted followers on Twitter is harder than I thought, I've found another piece of software (that looks better) and so far so good.

Do-It-Yourself Bankruptcy - Can You Attempt to Declare Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?

If you have reached a position where, even with significant cut backs in your spending, you would be unable to repay your outstanding debts within three years, then you are probably in a position where you are considering the possibility of bankruptcy. However, even if you are absolutely certain that you do need to file and that you meet the criteria required, you should still avoid a do it yourself bankruptcy at all costs. You absolutely must hire a lawyer with experience and expertise in the field.

The lawyer will look at your situation from a legal standpoint and take into account the experience he has had in previous cases and he will be able to advise you accurately. You could even be shocked to find that bankruptcy is not the best thing for you to do and finding out at this stage, as opposed to finding out too late if you attempt a do it yourself bankruptcy, will save you a lot of financial and practical hassle.

In 2005, Congress made a number of changes to the bankruptcy procedure and these changes have made the law notoriously complicated, even for legal professionals!! As such, a do it yourself bankruptcy is simply no longer the viable possibility that it once was. The law is continually evolving and even lawyers struggle to keep up sometimes. Without a legal background you will find it near impossible to understand the procedure fully and will therefore find yourself struggling hugely.

If your worry is the legal fees, take into consideration the fact that, if you are successful in filing, then you will have a number of debts eradicated altogether, thus freeing up funds to be able to pay the legal fees accrued during the process. Consider attorney fees and unavoidable expense if you want to succeed in filing.

Think Like a Billionaire, Become a Billionaire - Book Review

The subject of money, in some circles, is a subject that most pastors prefer not discussing with their parishioners. I think that this is a mistake. This subject ought to be discussed from time to time. Not to promote greed or worldliness, but to encourage stewardship in the life of the believer.

Christ spoke about money more than any other subject during his earthly ministry. More than Love, evil, sacrifice, Etc. So why is it that we equate rich with evil and poverty with piety? This book is one that offers some biblical views of how we are to think about money and how we are to use money. While promoting a balance view in ones approach towards money, the author is not requiring its readers to be worldly in order to achieve financial freedom and increase net worth. Quite the contrary, the author points out that we must put on the mind of Christ that we may have a godly approach towards money.

The aim of the author, I believe, is not that the reader desire to become a billionaire. However, I think the aim here is to change one's thinking in money matters, persistence, faith, godly stewardship of one's resources, work ethic, and time management with a God-ward view. And in doing these things, you will reap, in this process of this change, the reward of becoming a financially stable individual that glorifies God in their stewardship of money.

I also thought the workbook in the rear of the book offers some helpful tools on:

Personal Vision Budgeting Personal accountability Mind changing biblical references Discipline Tips on how to achieve Good Credit The rewards & building a road map to savings Time management And more

My conclusion is that this book is a good read for the lay person, including, both single and married persons, teens, church leaders, non-profit administrators, executives, and corporate leaders.

For reviews on other books visit Christian Business Ethics - Book Reviews

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